You don't have to enjoy sport to benefit from Sports Massage Therapy! Whether you are running around after children, on your feet all day, sat at a computer or driving long distances, massage can help; It doesn't matter if you deliver post, are a hairdresser, police officer, housekeeper, waiter, dog walker, retired or a teacher; you may work full time or part-time or have to commute long distances! Normal day to day life puts stresses and strains on your body because the body is a complex organism and all parts are interlinked. Consequently if pain/trauma/stress is felt in one area this has a knock on effect & the body will compensate accordingly. Result? Your body not functioning as it should & when left (or put up with!)- as a lot of people do, the condition will be a long term problem and cause other issues.
STRESS is a contributory factor to many illnesses & postural problems. Massage can help to greatly relieve these symptoms & can benefit in the following ways:
Muscle relaxation
Lowers blood pressure
Stimulates circulation
Increases diuresis
Stimulates lymphatic drainage
Reduces oedema
Pain relieving
Psychologically -
Mental relaxation
Releases emotions
Facilitates communication
Aids sleep